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Procedural Skills for Medical Trainees

 18/03/2025 09:00    

 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow   

This course is an excellent opportunity to develop your practical skills and gain knowledge in common IMT procedures. Featuring small group teaching and skills stations, each station will provide hands-on experience, with access to high quality training materials and one-on-one guidance from experienced trainers.

Closing date: 17 March 2025


This course is an excellent opportunity to develop your practical skills and gain knowledge in common IMT procedures. Featuring small group teaching and skills stations, each station will provide hands-on experience, with access to high quality training materials and one-on-one guidance from experienced trainers.

With an updated programme, this course now includes even more time for practicing procedures as well as a new session on HDU presentations and a workshop on arterial lines.

The skills stations covered are:

  • Central lines  
  • Pleural aspiration  
  • Ascitic procedures
  • Lumbar puncture
  • Knee aspiration
  • Tracheostomy
  • NIV

Please note: A certificate of attendance will be issued to reflect your attendance at this course.  However, workplace based assessments will not be carried out at the stations involved in the course.





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Karen Ross


 Email Coordinator


 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow   

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